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Homeschool Program
Current Class Schedule:
membership includes 2 classes per week of your choice
Mon/Wed /Tue/Thurs
Class 12:30-1:30

Welcome, Homeschoolers!
We here at Isaac's Martial Arts are very excited to offer our Homeschool program, which is solely deticated to the local homeschooled students. We offer daytime classes with instruction in a mix of Karate, JuJitsu, and general fitness. If you are a homeschool parent and are interested in the program (siblings receive discounted tuition), then please contact us for more info, or to schedule a trial class. If you have a chance, speak with one of our other Homeschool parents who are already enjoying this great program!
Click for more information about the program.
Click to use our easy Online Enrollment option for new students.
Monday: 3:00pm-8:30pm
Tuesday: 12:30pm-8:30pm
Wednesday: 3:00pm-6:00pm
Thursday: 12:30pm-8:30pm
Friday: 3:00pm-6:00pm
Sat/Sun: By Appointment Only
(Schedule will vary due to ABSS
school system early release days/etc)
Isaac's Martial Arts
1808 Anthony Rd (Suite 101)
Burlington, NC 27215
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