Members Area
Exciting changes coming soon!
Streaming Video
You have asked for it, and we have listened! We are currently in the process of producing videos and study materials for each kata and belt rank for use as an 'at-home' guide to practice and improve on current skills with. These rank specific guides/videos will include everything needed to help you/your child EXCEL in class and on belt testing day! We predict having at least White thru Blue belt material ready by the new year, with advanced ranks following closely behind!
How will it work?
> 1 month before each belt test, you will have the oppertunity to subscribe to the streaming service which will allow you unlimited access to the online content relevant to your rank.
> This content will be available to you from time of subscription through to belt test day. After the belt test day the service will automatically expire.
> Each rank specific study guide will include ALL relavent kata and info needed for that rank (ie: Blue belt package will include Blue Belt material plus all previous katas and study info from White though Orange Belt).
Why is it only available within a month of belt testing date?
> Great question! Although we are cramming as much useful information as we can into the videos and study guides (which will be MORE THAN enough info needed to pass your test), we do not want this to be seen as "online training" and as a substitute for training in the dojo! Therefore it will be time limited and not available unless a test is approaching soon. This material is solely meant as an aid to help give that extra 'kick' just before a test. And, as a bonus, to give those who crave additional knowledge (history, terminology, etc) a special treat as we throw that in as well.
We are extremely excited that this will be available to you soon! We do appologise for the delay in this much anticipated and requested service... bare with us, it'll be worth the wait!
Special Ranks
Those of you who have been with us for while are probably familiar with our 'Black Stripe" obis (belts) in the dojo. Historicaly, these 'Black Striped" obi's were limited to 1 Black Stripe obi per rank/color within the dojo, and was given to the student who proved to be most impressive during their test. Due to the growth of our dojo, and the fact that students may test on alteranting testing dates, we have decided this practice is a bit unfair. So, starting in 2019, we will now lift the single "Black Striped Obi" per rank limit. There will no longer be a limit to the number of Black Stripe obis there are within any rank.
Who is eligible to earn a Black Stripe Obi?
> Any student (other than Tiny Tiger) who is testing for a SOLID color obi (not a half/split rank).
What does it take to Earn the Black Stripe Obi?
> Any student (other than Tiny Tiger) that shows 3 or less mistakes during their test will earn this belt to signify an excellent testing performance!